The Vines of Mendoza

The Ultimate Wine Experience: Wine Camp


While you may be able to wrap your head around the fact that wine comes from grapes and that there is a part about putting it into barrels before you drink it, there is a whole lot that happens in between in order to make a fabulous wine. Visiting wineries and enjoying tastings can only take your wine knowledge so far, and unfortunately most wine lovers don’t have the luxury of taking off for months at a time to work in a cellar. In comes the Vines of Mendoza Winemaking Camp, where participants can get a hands-on experience of both harvesting and winemaking in one fun, action-packed day.

The Vines Winemaking Camp starts with first harvests of wines for Rosé at the end of February and continues through the harvesting of our sweet wines in April.  The day starts early with a delicious breakfast, then we outfit everyone with gloves, harvesting tools, get ready to follow the journey of grapes from the vine to bottle. 

The first stop of the day is getting into the vineyard and getting your hands dirty by harvesting the grapes. Our team of experts will guide you through the harvest process teaching how we use  technology as well as timeless techniques such as tastings of the grape to decide when to start picking. We will teach you how to sort the bunches remove the stalks and leaves, putting them in small harvest bins when they are ready to to be de-stemmed at The Vines state-of-the-art winery. 

Next come some laughs as the group will play around with stomping in a  bucket of grapes to see (and feel) how wine was made centuries ago. It’s an unforgettable experience and  always creates wonderful memories (and instagram posts!) for the participants. After cleaning up, you’ll move inside the winery to learn the important pump over and punch down process, how white wines are processed differently than reds and how The Vines makes over 350 individual wines each year! Next, the most important part, on to taste many wines, comparing them to the grapes that were harvested in order to get a better feel for the fermentation process. 

The afternoon finishes by unwinding with your new winemaking friends with a traditional asado lunch in the middle of the vines, accompanied by an unlimited supply of Torrontes and Malbec - you’ve earned it!   

No matter if you are a wine novice or if you are a connoisseur who prides yourself on your in-depth knowledge of bouquets and what year was the best year for Cabernet  Sauvignon from Napa and why, everyone is welcome and will be taught at the appropriate level for them. 

Spots are limited and fill up fast in these camps, so make sure to reserve  your accommodation and place now.